02:07duration 2 minutes 7 seconds
Susan Berman: "They were told not to…
Susan Berman: "They were told not to intervene"
Susan discusses what her mother experienced…
02:10duration 2 minutes 10 seconds
Susan Berman: "My mother never saw her…
Susan Berman: "My mother never saw her father again."
Susan Berman discusses how her mother was able to…
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
Herbert Kohn: Father's Arrest
Herbert Kohn describes his father's arrest…
01:04duration 1 minute 4 seconds
Edward Francell: Fleeing Europe
Edward Francell immigrated to the United States…
04:02duration 4 minutes 2 seconds
Herbert Kohn: Kristallnacht
Herbert Kohn describes the impact of…
01:29duration 1 minute 29 seconds
M. Alexis Scott: Covering World War II
M. Alexis Scott describes the contributions of…