53:24duration 53 minutes 24 seconds
D2L Day 2023 - Grades and Tracking User Progress
Learn how to set up the Gradebook in D2L, along…
02:38duration 2 minutes 38 seconds
Grades - Enter Grades - Instructor
This tutorial shows how to enter grades in your…
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
Grades - Create a Grade Scheme - Instructor
This tutorial shows how to create a grade scheme…
02:39duration 2 minutes 39 seconds
Grades - Understanding the Grades Tool -…
Grades - Understanding the Grades Tool - Instructor
01:47duration 1 minute 47 seconds
Grades - Create Grade Exemptions - Instructor
02:01duration 2 minutes 1 second
Grades - Troubleshoot Final Grades - Instructor
Final grades displaying incorrectly? Troubleshoot…
01:32duration 1 minute 32 seconds
Grades - Release Final Grades - Instructor
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